Jared Newman, Esq. Legal Blog
Is Uber Responsible for the Damages of a Car Accident in Fort Lauderdale?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
When another driver causes an accident that leaves you injured, you have certain rights to a recovery of damages to make you whole again. But when the other party is an Uber driver, the matter becomes more complicated. Whom do you sue for your injuries? And what can you recover from them? Accident victims who […]
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How Much Should I Expect from a Car Accident Settlement in Florida?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Being involved in a car accident can change your life. Car accidents have the ability to cause serious physical, financial, and emotional distress for those victims involved. Sometimes, the only way to attain balance once again is to pursue a legal case for compensation. But how much could you get if you decided to settle? […]
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How Much is a Neck Injury Worth in a Car Accident in Florida?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
If you sustained a neck injury in a car accident that was not your fault, you may be able to recover financially to deal with the consequences of your injuries. How much you may stand to recover depends on a number of factors. It is impossible to say precisely how much a neck injury might […]
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How Is Fault Determined in Multi-Car Accidents in Florida?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
When more than two cars are involved in a single accident, the situation can get complicated. Often, the damage to the vehicles and the injuries to the people involved in such an accident can be much more severe. Where there are multiple impacts, proving who is at fault for the resulting damages can also prove […]
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What is a Reasonable Pain and Suffering Amount in Florida?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
People talk about damages for “pain and suffering” all the time in the context of a lawsuit. But what does pain and suffering mean? Pain and suffering is the legal term for damages that are not quite tangible but nevertheless very real for those who experience them. How these damages are calculated and how to […]
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How to Determine Fault in a Motorcycle Accident in Florida
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
A critical component in a motorcycle accident claim is determining who was at fault. The compensation a rider receives will depend on the strength of the evidence supporting that another party was to blame. If you do not have compelling and convincing evidence, it will be difficult to obtain an insurance settlement or court judgment. […]
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How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Claim in Florida?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
When someone is injured in an accident, they will be worried about many things. Money should not be one – but it usually is. After an injury, medical bills will pile up and, if the injury is severe, weeks or months of work could be missed. One question many people have in Florida is, how […]
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How Much Can Someone Sue For a Car Accident in Florida?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Car accident victims in Florida have plenty to think about immediately following a crash. They worry about their health, the welfare of any passengers in their car or other vehicles involved, calling the police, and getting medical attention. However, other practical matters soon come into focus, including paying for the damage to their vehicle, medical […]
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What Happens if You Get Into a Car Accident Without Insurance in Florida and Were Hurt?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Car owners in Florida must have auto insurance, including at least $10,000 of personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Florida is a no-fault auto insurance state. Therefore, you must file a claim against your PIP insurance policy to cover your medical expenses and lost income – no matter who caused the accident. However, when someone is […]
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What if You Got Injured in a Car Accident in Florida But Live in Another State?
January 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Cars are for moving around – around your city, around your state, around the country. Furthermore, people often rent vehicles when they travel, especially when they come to Florida, as there is so much of the state to experience. Unfortunately, car accidents occur whether you are a Florida resident or are just visiting. People who […]
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