Plantation, FL Premises Liability Lawyer

Florida property owners are responsible for ensuring that their premises, from a retail store or restaurant to a government office, are safe for guests and visitors. If you get hurt on someone else’s property, inside or out, public or private, you have the right to demand compensation for all the damages and injuries you suffered. Premises liability claims can range from a simple slip-and-fall accident to a dog bite, an injurious amusement park accident, or a head injury from a falling object. At Newman Injury Law, PLLC, we believe that negligent property owners should be held accountable for the injuries their carelessness causes, and we’re ready to hold them accountable and ensure you receive just and fair compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced Plantation, FL, premises liability lawyer.

Why Do I Need A Good Plantation Premises Liability Lawyer?

Successfully securing compensation in a premises liability claim involves proving that the property manager or owner knew (or reasonably should have known) that there were hazards on the property and someone could get hurt, but failed to take proper steps to remove or repair the hazard, causing someone to get hurt. We gather evidence proving their negligence, from auditing safety and maintenance records to interviewing witnesses who saw what happened to you.

Our legal team has resources that others may not, including expert witnesses, medical experts, and investigators. We leave no stone unturned in building a strong case of negligence against the at-fault property owner, including photos or security footage and your own medical records to link your injuries to the accident on the other party’s property. Then, we use fine points of Florida law to present our case to a judge and jury.

Damages Available In A Premises Liability Claim

Depending on what happened, you may require intensive, invasive medical procedures to heal from the accident, like surgery, or need long-term physical therapy or chiropractor services to help you heal and regain your abilities. Some people are permanently disabled after a premises liability injury or may have scarring or disfigurement. We carefully value your claim to cover current and future medical needs, plus cover your other losses, like property damage or unearned wages from the time you missed at work.

We also account for the pain and suffering and emotional trauma you suffered from the incident. Your injuries probably hurt, and recovery is painful. A premises liability settlement can cover your intangible losses, including pain and suffering and, if you’re permanently disabled or in chronic pain, consideration for your diminished quality of life and disability, as well. We use professional accountants and our own decades of combined experience litigating premises liability claims to demand full compensation for all your losses.

The Right Legal Advice For Your Premises Liability Case

Let the skilled attorneys from Newman Injury Law, PLLC, protect your interests and fight for the maximum amount of compensation in your claim. We hold private, public, and government property owners and managers liable for the harm their negligence causes, making sure that your voice is heard and you get justice. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced Plantation premises liability lawyer.

Jared Newman, Esq.

Client Review

"A friend recommended Attorney Jared Newman after I was involved in a car accident. From the start Jared has been absolutely amazing. From staying in constant contact with me with updates on my case, to explaining things I didn’t understand, to getting me the best outcome possible, he has not disappointed. I’m glad I made the right decision with Jared Newman and I’m definitely keeping his number saved for anything in the future."
Raegan V.
Client Review

Verdicts and Settlements